Auckland Jazz and Blues Club

Welcome to the home of jazz in Auckland

Birkenhead RSA, Recreation Drive, Birkenhead.

Please see EVENTS section for weekly concert details and GALLERY for weekly concert photos.

($10 members/$25 non-members - cash only - includes raffle draw for bottle of wine.)

Non-member contact registration required at time of entry.

Restaurant (downstairs) open 5 - 8.30pm. Full bar services.

The club was formed around 1992 to further the interests of jazz & blues music in Auckland.

The club has a membership of around 250 and has regular club nights every Tuesday evening at the Birkenhead RSA.

Concerts start at 7.30pm and finish at 9.30pm with a break at half time. Meals are available before the concert. Full bar service.

Ample off-street parking. Come early to secure your seating.

Each night features a different local or out of town band.. Sometimes an International star makes an appearance.

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  • Birkenhead RSA Recreation Drive Birkenhead, Auckland NZ (map)

PLEASE NOTE: This concert has been changed from 17 December to 10 December.

Diving into his roots, young Auckland bassist Alex Keatley is excited to present ‘Sounds from the Motherland’.

‘Sounds from the Motherland’ is a project that aims to showcase and share some of the rich and vibrant jazz from South Africa. During his last year studying at Auckland University Alex has discovered his love for the style and compositions that come from all over South Africa. Taking inspiration from modern greats and legends in the past Alex and his band will be presenting a few of his own original compositions and showcasing some of the music he has discovered on this journey.

Featuring Jenna Aspeling on Alto Saxophone, Toby Barrett on Tenor Saxophone, Iggy Palmero Epstein on Flute & Saxophone, Ryan Tomov on Piano, Finn McNeill on Drums & Alex Keatley on Double Bass.

Members $10 cash
Non-members $25 cash
Non-member contact registration required at time of entry.

Earlier Event: December 3
Later Event: December 17