Auckland Jazz and Blues Club

Welcome to the home of jazz in Auckland

Birkenhead RSA, Recreation Drive, Birkenhead.

Please see EVENTS section for weekly concert details and GALLERY for weekly concert photos.

($10 members/$25 non-members - cash only - includes raffle draw for bottle of wine.)

Non-member contact registration required at time of entry.

Restaurant (downstairs) open 5 - 8.30pm. Full bar services.

The club was formed around 1992 to further the interests of jazz & blues music in Auckland.

The club has a membership of around 250 and has regular club nights every Tuesday evening at the Birkenhead RSA.

Concerts start at 7.30pm and finish at 9.30pm with a break at half time. Meals are available before the concert. Full bar service.

Ample off-street parking. Come early to secure your seating.

Each night features a different local or out of town band.. Sometimes an International star makes an appearance.



The name of the Club shall be THE AUCKLAND JAZZ AND BLUES CLUB INCORPORATED and all contracts entered into receipts given or documents to which the Club is a party shall bear this name in full.


The objects for which the Auckland Jazz and Blues Club (herein known as the “Club”) is established are –

  • To promote and further the playing, performance and study of jazz and blues music by concerts, public performances tuition, encouragement and support to jazz and blues musicians

  • To provide a venue and such facilities as required to meet the objectives of the Club

  • To generally do and carry out all things that are likely to further or promote music,

    musicians and social activities between Club members

  • To welcome and entertain visiting musicians, both from overseas and from New


  • To purchase, take on, lease or otherwise acquire, any lands buildings or other

    property which may be requisite for the purpose of, or conveniently used in connection with any of the objects of the Club and to sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of the same

  • To do such other lawful things in furtherance of the objectives of the Club


Any person of good character shall be eligible for admission to the Club as a Member. A candidate for admission as a Member, shall be proposed by a Member of the Club.

  1. a)  There shall be 3 categories of membership –

    1. i)  Playing Member

    2. ii)  Non-Playing Member

    3. iii)  Life Member

  2. b)  The Management Committee shall determine the category of membership on consideration of the application form and fix such joining fees as considered applicable.

  3. c)  The admission of any Member shall be determined by the Management Committee whose determination shall be final. The Management Committee shall have the right to refuse admission to any proposed member without assigning any reason for so doing

  4. d)  Every Member, upon acceptance, shall be furnished with a card of membership with the Members name written thereon. This card must be produced to any Member of the Management Committee upon request

  5. e)  A Member may at any time retire from the Club by giving the Secretary notice in writing of the Member’s wish to do so by the 1st July in each year, failing which the Member shall be liable for the full subscription for the ensuing year.

  6. f)  The Management Committee may expel from membership any Member wilfully disobeying any of these rules, or who is three (3) months in arrears with the annual subscription or guilty of any conduct rendering such Member unfit, in the opinion of the Management Committee, to be a member of the Club. Such expulsion shall be at the absolute discretion of the Management Committee and upon such terms as it deems fit.


The management of the club shall be vested in an Executive Board (Trustees) and a Management Committee.
a) The Executive Board shall consist of three (3) persons elected by the Management

Committee and who must be members of the Club

  1. i)  The function of the Executive Board is to safeguard the aims and objects of the


  2. ii)  The Executive Board shall have the power to act in any area of the Clubs

    activities where any action is considered necessary or desirable to substantially

    alter or affect in any manner, the established objectives of the Club

  3. iii)  The Executive Board shall be responsible for and have ultimate control over the

    Club’s assets

  4. iv)  The Executive Board shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote

  5. v)  At each Annual General Meeting one of the 3 elected members of the Executive

    Board shall retire. The retiring member will be the member who has held office

    the longest time since their last election or appointment

  6. vi)  As between persons who become members of the Executive Board at the same

    time, the member to retire by rotation shall (unless otherwise agreed among

    themselves) be determined by lot

  7. vii)  A retiring officer of the Executive Board shall be eligible for re-election

  8. viii)  An election to fill the vacated position on the Executive Board shall be held at the

    first available Management Committee meeting

  9. ix)  The elected President of the Club shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive


4 b The Management Committee shall consist of –

Vice President
Treasurer / Business Manager Marketing and Promotions Convenor Social Convenor
Club Night Co-ordinator

4 c) The Management Committee shall have the power of a duly formed convened meeting, to form a sub-committee for the purpose of making tentative enquiries and arrangements for any particular functions. The sub-committee shall, when appointed, be given full details of

i) what evaluation and/or arrangements they are expected to make ii) To what extent they may commit the Club financially

4 d) The Management Committee shall be empowered to co-opt any Club Member for a specified time as an Acting Management Committee Member when specialist knowledge is required. The Management Committee shall at the time of making the appointment specify. what rights and powers the co-opted Member/s shall have

4 e) The Management Committee shall fill any casual vacancies in the Management Committee. Preference shall be given to the next highest polling nominee for the vacated position, from the previous Annual General Meeting.


At any time prior to or during the course of the Annual General Meeting of the club, nominations shall be called for and when duly seconded, handed to any Member of the Management Committee for presentation to the Annual General meeting. In the event of there being more nominees than offices, election will be determined by vote. In the event of two or more nominees receiving the same number of votes the Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting shall have the casting vote, as well as a deliberative vote.

Members shall pay such subscriptions as may be determined by the Management Committee who shall have the power to vary the same at any time. Annual subscriptions shall be payable on or before the 1st day of August in each year.


Once in every calendar year not less than 11 months from the previous general meeting there shall be held a General Meeting of all Club Members which shall be known as the “Annual General Meeting” and each Club Members which receive at least 7 days’ notice accompanied by an Agenda of such meeting. Notice shall be deemed served by affixing the necessary documents to the Club Notice Board.

  1. a)  The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows –

    1. i)  The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting shall be read by the

      Secretary for adoption of the Meeting

    2. ii)  Business arising from such minutes

    3. iii)  To receive a report and summary of the year’s activities from the President

    4. iv)  To present (for discussion and approval) duly audited annual accounts in the

      prescribed form

    5. v)  To elect and install a new Management Committee

    6. vi)  To appoint an Auditor to hold office for twelve (12) months or until the next

      Annual General Meeting. The Auditor shall not be a member of the Executive

      (a Trustee) or Management Committee

    7. vii)  To decide upon any proposal or matter and transact any other business

      which may be duly submitted to the meeting.

  2. b)  The Management Committee shall meet at such times as may be deemed necessary for the transaction of general business. The President or in his/her absence, any two members of the Committee shall have the power at all times to instruct the Secretary to call a meeting of the Management Committee.

  3. c)  The Management Committee may, for any special purpose, call an Extraordinary General Meeting and shall forthwith do so on the requisition of seven (7 ) members, apart from Committee Members, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. Notice of such Extraordinary General Meeting and the purpose for which it is summoned, shall be notified to Members fourteen (14) days before holding the same. The procedure of such a meeting and the rights of members to be present and vote thereat shall be the same in all respects as those provided in regard to the Annual General Meeting. The business to be transacted at such a meeting shall be confined to those items served in the Notice.

    8 VOTING

  4. Subject to the provisions of these rules each Member shall have one vote either (where applicable) as a Member in Management Committee or at any Annual General or Extraordinary General Meeting. The voting at all General Meetings shall be by show of hands (or if demand be made by two members by a secret ballot)

    9. QUORUM

  5. The quorum at a Management Committee Meetings shall be four (4) Committee Members present in person and at General Meetings shall be seven (7) Club Members present.13 DUTIES OF OFFICERS

As a guideline these shall be _ a) the President shall –

i) Preside as Chairman of all Management Committee and General Meetings ii) During the course of meetings preserve order and discipline and ensure that

generally accepted practices and procedures as to conduct and rule of debates

are observed
iii) Assist the other Officers in the general running of the Club’s business and affairs

b) The Vice President shall –i) take responsibility for the Special Projects which are in the interests of the aims and objectives of the Club
ii) assume the duties of the President, during the absence of the President
iii) Assist the President in any way

c) The Secretary shall
i) take minutes of all meetings and after recording the same in writing, present them to the next meeting for approval
ii) carry out administrative duties and make any arrangements as directed by The Management Committee shall in meeting
iii) Assist the Treasurer in handling the financial aspects of the Club’s affairsiv)keep up to date the register of members
v)Make all the necessary arrangements for enrolment of new members

vi) Arrange for posting of all minutes and notices on all Notice Boards as instructed by the Management Committee and all Members in the General Meeting

vii) Sign all purchase orders issued by the Club
viii) Generally, assist the other Members in pursuance of their duties express

or implied

d) The Treasurer shall
i) receive all moneys for the Club and handle them as laid down in these rules
ii) issue all receipts for the Club
iii) present all due accounts in the prescribed form to the Management Meeting immediately preceding the 20th of each month or at any other meeting where payment is of an urgent nature
iv) keep all necessary books of account
v) draw up the Annual Accounts in the prescribed form for presentation when duly audited to the Annual General Meeting
vi) generally assist the other Members in pursuance of their duties express or implied


The control and investment of the Club funds shall be under the authority of the Management Committee and the Executive Board

  1. a)  The funds of the Club shall consist of monies received from subscriptions, donations, performances and any other source acceptable to the Executive Board

  2. b)  The funds of the Club shall be under the control of the Management Committee for the purposes of the normal running of the day to day affairs of the Club which includes the reasonable purchase of goods or services of value or use to the Club but not excluding the right if the Executive Board to exercise ultimate control over the Clubs assets.

  3. c)  No remuneration or other benefit or advantage of whatsoever nature, shall be paid to or received, gained, achieved or derived by any Member where that Member is able, by virtue of their capacity as such a Member, to influence in any way the amount of that remuneration or the nature or amount of that benefit or advantage.


The Management Committee may borrow, by resolution of the Management Committee but subject to, at all times, the specific authorisation and approval of the Executive Board


Any Member breaking or damaging any of the furniture or other property of the Club shall replace or pay for the same such sum not exceeding the value of the article broken or damaged as the Management Committee may think proper.


As a guideline these shall be _ a) the President shall –

i) Preside as Chairman of all Management Committee and General Meetings ii) During the course of meetings preserve order and discipline and ensure that

generally accepted practices and procedures as to conduct and rule of debates

are observed
iii) Assist the other Officers in the general running of the Club’s business and affairs

b) The Vice President shall –i) take responsibility for the Special Projects which are in the interests of the aims and objectives of the Club
ii) assume the duties of the President, during the absence of the President
iii) Assist the President in any way

c) The Secretary shall
i) take minutes of all meetings and after recording the same in writing, present them to the next meeting for approval
ii) carry out administrative duties and make any arrangements as directed by The Management Committee shall in meetingiii) Assist the Treasurer in handling the financial aspects of the Club’s affairsiv)keep up to date the register of members
v)Make all the necessary arrangements for enrolment of new members

vi) Arrange for posting of all minutes and notices on all Notice Boards as instructed by the Management Committee and all Members in the General Meeting
vii) Sign all purchase orders issued by the Club
viii) Generally, assist the other Members in pursuance of their duties express or implied

d) The Treasurer shall
i) receive all moneys for the Club and handle them as laid down in these rules
ii) issue all receipts for the Club
iii) present all due accounts in the prescribed form to the Management Meeting immediately preceding the 20th of each month or at any other meeting where payment is of an urgent nature
iv) keep all necessary books of account
v) draw up the Annual Accounts in the prescribed form for presentation when duly audited to the Annual General Meeting
vi) generally assist the other Members in pursuance of their duties express or implied


No alteration or addition to or rescission of these rules may be made, except by a three- quarters majority of the Members present at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. Notice of any proposed alteration or addition shall be sent to the Secretary at least twenty eight (28) days prior to the meeting for circulation and the Secretary shall give notice of any proposed alteration or addition to each Member, at least fourteen (14) clear days before such meeting. No amendment shall be made to these Rules without the prior approval of the Inland Revenue Department.


Every Member, may in writing, notify the Secretary of the address to which he/she desires Notices to be sent and id any Member fails to do so, notices may be sent to such Member at such address as the Management Committee deems appropriate to these rules. All notices required to be given, shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be received when the same would be delivered by ordinary post or displayed on the Club Notice Board.


The Common Seal of the Club shall be kept in the safe custody of the Secretary and the said Seal shall not be affixed to any document except by the authority of the Executive Board and in the presence of two Executive Board Members who shall both affix their signatures to every document so sealed.



The Management Committee shall have the power to make presentations gifts or assistance to any Member after due consideration of the facts of each particular case.


The club may be wound up voluntarily by a resolution of the Members present at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose of considering such a resolution PROVIDED ALWAYS that no such resolution shall be moved unless it has already been approved by the Executive Board and further, provided always that the resolution to wind up is confirmed at a subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the members called together for that purpose and held not earlier than thirty (30) days after the date on which their resolution so to be confirmed was passed. If any such resolution is passed, then the Club shall be wound up as from such date as may be stated in such resolution. If no such date is named, then the date of winding up shall be the date of the passing of the resolution. The disposition of all Club property after payment of all debts and liabilities of the Club shall be determined by the Meeting at which the winding up resolution is passed. No asset of the Club shall be paid or transferred to any Member and all such assets be applied for charitable purposes in New Zealand.