Auckland Jazz and Blues Club

Welcome to the home of jazz in Auckland

Birkenhead RSA, Recreation Drive, Birkenhead.

Please see EVENTS section for weekly concert details and GALLERY for weekly concert photos.

($10 members/$25 non-members - cash only - includes raffle draw for bottle of wine.)

Non-member contact registration required at time of entry.

Restaurant (downstairs) open 5 - 8.30pm. Full bar services.

The club was formed around 1992 to further the interests of jazz & blues music in Auckland.

The club has a membership of around 250 and has regular club nights every Tuesday evening at the Birkenhead RSA.

Concerts start at 7.30pm and finish at 9.30pm with a break at half time. Meals are available before the concert. Full bar service.

Ample off-street parking. Come early to secure your seating.

Each night features a different local or out of town band.. Sometimes an International star makes an appearance.

The Auckland Jazz and Blues Club each year grants a Scholarship cash grant to worthy jazz performers to assist them to further their career in jazz.
This usually is given to outstanding students at Auckland University School of Music and New Zealand School of Music Massey University (Albany Campus) 

The Scholarship is called "The Joy Crees Jazz Scholarship" named after long time club President Joy Crees who had a particular interest in Youth in Jazz

The Scholarship is just one example of The Auckland Jazz and Blues Club supporting Youth Jazz



Here are letters relating to  one of the 2015 recipients:

"Dear Mike,


Firstly, thank you very much for the generous award you have donated to the Jazz programme at the School of Music.  We are very grateful for this support of our students.


I have attached a letter from the award winner, Matt Paull.  As you can see, he is delighted to be the recipient and this will give him the wherewithal to continue his studies.  I’d also like to add that as the Development Manager of the faculty, I am thrilled that we have this award which is specifically for our jazz musicians.  We are very fortunate to have an excellent jazz programme staffed by such leading lights in the jazz world.  The scholarships are an extra encouragement to our outstanding students to continue. 


Very best wishes and sincere thanks,



Heather McAllister | Development Manager

National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries | The University of Auckland


"To the Auckland Jazz and Blues Club


I am writing to you to express my gratitude for your awarding me the Joy Crees Jazz Scholarship, a scholarship I was notified of receiving last week. The money from this scholarship will go a long way to helping me fund my postgraduate jazz studies. I am currently in the final semester of my Honour’s degree, and expect to be starting a master’s degree next year either here at the University of Auckland or overseas. The money from this scholarship will go a long way to helping me fund my studies for various reasons, one being that I don’t live at home, as my parents currently live in Taupo.


I am a jazz pianist and this is my fourth year attending the University of Auckland, I’ve been involved with a variety of groups within and outside the University since moving to Auckland from Taupo, on different instruments such as the Trombone and Drums. I actually performed at your club in 2013 as a Trombone player in the University of Auckland Big Band (aptly named the KMC Smashers!). Needless to say, I would be very happy to perform for you all should the opportunity arise.


Thank-you again for awarding me this scholarship, it is reassuring to know that there are organizations out there such as yours who are committed to helping future generations of jazz musicians keep this wonderful style of music alive.



Kind Regards Matthew Paull"