We are looking forward to our shows getting underway again from next Tuesday (21 Jan. 2025).
We have good news in that we have just been advised the Restaurant WILL now re-open and be available for us from next Tuesday.
Also a reminder there is construction work currently being undertaken in Birkenhead Avenue (One-way from Onewa Road while works are taking place) and that on leaving for your homeward journey it will be necessary to turn left out of Recreation Drive and follow the detour directions.
Have a nice day and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
Kind regards
Annita Anderson
Auckland Jazz & Blues Club
ANNITA ANDERSON - our new Secretary
We are delighted to announce that Annita was elected as our new Secretary at the AJBC AGM held on 21 July. Welcome Annita to this crucial role. We thank Robin Kewell for acting in this role until the AGM. Annita has supplied the following brief profile of her background.
I look forward to the role of Secretary to the Auckland Jazz & Blues Club and hope I can fulfil this role adequately for the needs of the Club. My background has been Secretarial for my entire working life having been employed in roles including Secretarial, Corporate PA and Office Manager both within New Zealand and 10 years working in London. I am retired from paid employment now days but enjoy the opportunity to continue using my skills in a voluntary way where possible. The Jazz Club with its wonderful team of volunteers and organisers has very much become my “Happy Place” for the week.
I am from Ashburton and Christchurch originally, now involved in various organisations here in Auckland, plus I enjoy gardening, golf, walking, music, good food and nice wine, and like to travel as often as funds allow as I have a son living in the UK.
I look forward to getting to know more members through this Secretarial Role.
AJBC AGM - 21-7-24
Thank you to all members who attended the Annual General Meeting of our club today at the Birkenhead RSA.
Being managed by a dedicated committee and a team of volunteers, our club is in good shape to continue staging top quality jazz and blues concerts every Tuesday evening.
Reminder to members - subscriptions are now due, unless already paid. Your support is appreciated to maintain the vibrancy of our club.
If you are an existing member, please pay your renewal subscription of $50 by cash when visiting the club, or pay by internet banking.
(New membership year commences as from 1 July and extends to 30 June the following year.)
ASB 12-3019-0009148-00
Please state both first and last names on your internet payment so you can be clearly identified.
Please pickup your membership card at the club once your payment is received.
AJBC NEW MEMBERSHIPS 1-7-24 - 30-6-25
We welcome new members - join in the fellowship of the love of jazz!
Either complete a Membership Application Form when visiting the club, or print and complete the application form below and bring to the club.
Please pay the annual subscription of $50 by cash when visiting the club or pay by internet banking.
Members $10 cash
Non-members $25 cash
Non-member contact registration required at time of entry.
(to satisfy the laws relating to the sale of liquor.)
The Annual General Meeting for the Auckland Jazz and Blues Club will be held on Sunday the 21st July 2024 at the Birkenhead RSA, Recreation Drive, Birkenhead.
The meeting will be held at 11:00 am, upstairs.
Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing you.
MERV'S BIRTHDAY CONCERT is coming up on 9 July.
Come along and enjoy a fabulous night of joyous, rapturous, upbeat music provided by the JOYMAKERS, Merv's traditional jazz band. (See EVENTS section for full details.)
A few photos below will provide an idea of Merv's huge contribution to live jazz in Auckland over the last seven decades. For more details of Merv's musical history, the AUDIO CULTURE website provides a comprehensive history with even more fascinating historical photos.
Come along for a fabulous night of happy music while we celebrate with Merv for his 93rd birthday.
MERV THOMAS -(Sir Hornblower Comb-over) - 8 years now as our MC. - 14-5-24
It is with tremendous appreciation that we acknowledge Merv as our Master of Ceremonies. He has diligently fulfilled this voluntary role over the previous 8 years. Merv’s meticulous preparation and thoughtful words shine through every week to welcome everyone and to highlight the unique musical skills that every band brings to our club.
You are a gem Merv - a national treasure in the Auckland jazz scene.
AJBC News - as at 11-3-24
Let's start with some good news. We are very pleased to say that our wonderful compere and master of ceremonies Merv Thomas has recovered from recent illness and will be back with us on Tuesday 12 March to announce Evan de Silva and the Collaborators.
Evan Silva is one of Australasia's top soul, R'n’B artists with a list of impressive achievements in the music industry on both sides of the Tasman. He has been singing since the age of fifteen and to date has recorded eleven albums.and gigging with some wonderful players and still at it with writing, recording and performing. "I do it because I love it, it's in the blood." Evan's collaborators are Ernest Semu (piano/keyboard) Alex Griffith (bass) Chris Nielson (brass and reed) and Lance Bentley (drums). Playing Tuesday 12th March 7-30pm through to 9-30pm
Sadly we have to announce that Phil Agent, manager of the Birkenhead RSA is leaving and on Monday evening (11th) a gathering at the Birkenhead R.S.A. was arranged to thank Phil for all his hard work and enthusiasm in the role of manager at the RSA He was so welcoming when we were desperately looking for new premises for the AJBC and I wonder what we would have done without his willingness to provide us with a new home. In recognition of this the AJ&BClub committee decided to award him with an Honorary Life Membership which was presented to him by club President Mike Walker. We wish Phil all success for the future and look forward to him attending the Tuesday Jazz and Blues nights as our guest.
Next Tuesday 19th March 'THE TURING PROJECT'
The Turing project is a 7 piece group including vocals and horn players. Initially setup prior to lock down as a straight jazz group but transitioned into more modern hits as they developed their own arrangements. Artists covered range from Edith Piaf, Marilyn Monroe to Elton John and Amy Winehouse and even Dragon.
7-30pm through to 9-30pm
Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing you on a Tuesday night.
Robin Kewell
AJBC Committee Member
LISA DAVIS-GOFF - our new Treasurer - Jan 2024
Welcome Lisa - our new Treasurer and committee member.
Lisa is a Chartered Accountant and a member of CA ANZ, with 30+ years’ experience in a variety of industries including creative arts, entertainment and hospitality.
An enthusiast of great wine, food and music, Lisa is a long-time follower of the club since the pre-covid Pt Chev days. As a Birkenhead local the new venue at the RSA has provided her with the opportunity to get involved as a regular contributor now.
Lisa is delighted to be able to put her accounting expertise to use in her role as treasurer, and is thrilled to join the dedicated committee and volunteer team.
Lisa Davis-Goff - AJBC Treasurer
AJBC News - as at 29-1-24
As I write this my thoughts are with all those people attending and camping at the Auckland Folk Festival, they seem to have hit another bad weather patch. It is exactly a year ago when Cyclone Gabrielle hit us and brought terrible floods and destruction, a so-called "once in a hundred year weather event" but 2023 had three more that followed in the space of a few months.
Somehow the Auckland Jazz and Blues Club managed to keep going during the downpours of 2023 at the old Point Chev RSA. Behind the scenes our team of volunteers would be propping up leaky ceilings, grabbing buckets and mops to make the place safe and presentable in time for our Tuesday night music events. They literally kept the club 'afloat' during a very difficult time for everyone.
A year later, and here we are in our new, dry, comfortable home at the Birkenhead RSA and 2024 got off to a great start. Those who came will have noticed that the sound quality was greatly improved, this was due to some hard work by Paul Crowther (our sound guru) and helpers Bryan Harris and Chris Neilson. With the help of a scaffolding tower, supplied by Chris's son, they replaced many of the ceiling tiles above the stage area with acoustic tiles. Not a pleasant job with the temperature in the ceiling up around 45 degrees, they also had to deal with bird's nests and cobwebs.
For this first gig of the year we also tried out a 'surround' sound set up with the PA speakers...placing a pair of speakers on each side of the room. This means that the front (main) speakers do not have to be pumping out so much volume to reach the back. Definitely an improvement, thanks Paul and Bryan.
The Auckland Jazz and Blues Club held the first committee meeting for the year and were sorry to hear that committee member and master of ceremonies Merv Thomas was unable to attend due to him having a fall. (we have since heard that he is feeling much better and look forward to seeing him again very soon) We welcomed our new treasurer Lisa Davis-Goff who reported that the finances of the club are ticking along quite nicely. She is looking into the possibility of de-registering the club from GST. It seems we will be under the $60k threshold and therefore the club could save around $5000 per year.
Thanks for your support.
Robin Kewell - Committee Member
Next concert - Love Square - 30-1-24
(See EVENTS section for full details)
AUCKLAND JAZZ AND BLUES CLUB - news as at 16-1-24
We are just a week away from the first Jazz and Blues music night at the Birkenhead RSA and there are some great acts already lined up for the start of 2024.
First of all we would like to welcome Lisa Davis-Goff who has stepped into the role of Treasurer for the club and thank her for filling this essential position. We look forward to meeting her at our first committee meeting of the year.
Thank you for your support in 2023 and we look forward to seeing you at the coming events in 2024.
AUCKLAND JAZZ AND BLUES CLUB - news as at 11-12-23
We would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year and a very big thanks for your support during the year. And what a year !! The sad loss of the Point Chev. RSA as a venue, our home for the last 14 years, we wish Dean and the staff all the best for the future. Over the past year the AJ&BC team checked out sixteen possible 'new homes' for the club and in the end the only one that ticked all the boxes was the Birkenhead RSA.
From the very start we were made to feel at home by manager Phil Agent and his helpful staff. The restaurant which normally closed on a Tuesday was re-scheduled to open for our jazz nights. The stage was strengthened to take the weight of the grand piano, we were allocated a store cupboard for our equipment and were given the thumbs up on putting some permanent lighting on the ceiling for the illuminating stage. All this made it possible for a smooth transition from the south side of the Waitemata to the north and without us having to cancel any of the bands and music acts already booked.
Since the move to Birkenhead we have picked up more members and the club definitely seems to have a bright future on the shore.
And talking of bright futures...
We are also pleased to announce that we have found a new treasurer for the club. A great relief, not only for the club but for Miriam Hilliard who has looked after the finances of the club for the past 22 years !! We cannot thank her enough, especially during these past two years of keeping the books in order whilst we desperately searched for someone to take her place. We wish Miriam all the best for the future.
Our last music night for 2023 and are very pleased to end our year with the QUEEN CITY BIG BAND featuring Helen Pahulu on vocals with musical director Marcus Frisch. they will be bringing you an evening of big band jazz and Christmas tunes to help you swing into the festive season at the Birkenhead RSA. The restaurant will be open at 5-30pm and music starts at 7-30pm and runs to 9-30pm. AJ&BC Members $10 admission and Visitors $25
Many of you will be aware of pianist Lucas Kewell (my youngest son) who has played at the club several times with the multi-award winning 'Toby and the Rest' Quartet. Back in August he put on a farewell performance joined by his college and University friends at the AJ&BClub. Lucas is now in Basel Switzerland studying music at the Jazz Campus https://www.jazzcampus.com/en.html
The principal of the Jazz Campus happened to see a Youtube clip of Lucas playing in Budapest last April and made contact asking him to do an on-line audition, next moment he was offered a place but as it was all last minute there was no time to apply for scholarships, so we are looking at ways to help support him during this first year. Over the years many people have asked if they can get a recording of him playing and I am pleased to announce that, they can. Either on CD or memory stick (to order) or as a download.
The recording is solo piano, recorded at an impro. concert at the Audio Foundation back in 2021, Lucas is basically self-taught and comes up with new compositions every day..on the spot...This recording consists of five tracks, all improvised on the night and will give the listener an insight to the music that is within this young musician. who is now definitely 'on his way' There is also an added bonus track of his Award winning composition 'Poor America'.
To order a copy of 'FROM WITHIN' send me your contact details by e-mail (robinkewell@xtra.co.nz) or text to 0210 222 5558. The cost of the CD or memory stick is $20 which includes includes postage. I can also offer a Download link for $15 which will come with cover details. all proceeds from the sales will go to Lucas.
We are back again on Tuesday the 23rd January Details will be in the next newsletter.
All good wishes and safe travels from the AJ&BC committee:-
President Mike Walker, Merv Thomas, Annie Curran, Robin Kewell and Ian Ridsdale.
It is with sadness to report that Dave died peacefully at Northshore Hospital on 22 November after a short illness.
Dave was a dedicated committee member, which included his role as the raffle draw presenter. Until retirement, Dave was the owner of an information technology company and in his spare time, he enjoyed playing bass in amateur bands. Dave is survived by his wife and two children.
Dave Wakenshaw
AJBC NEWS - 30-10-23
Our move to the Birkenhead RSA has been a great success, with a smooth transition across the water and no need to cancel any acts already booked to play. Since the move the club has gained many new members and attracted good sized audiences. A big thanks to manager Phil Agent and all the R.S.A.staff who have made the club very welcome. Also thanks to Andrena and Fred for opening up the restaurant for us on Tuesday nights.
The Donn Stott memorial restaurant is open for dinner Tuesday to Saturday and seats approximately 80 people, you can also take your meals upstairs to eat in the main room. The restaurant is named after Don Stott, a Birkenhead local and one of New Zealand's bravest military heroes.
As we get settled in, we continue to make a few improvements, the lighting of the stage being one thing that needed to be sorted. This last weekend our president Mike Walker acquired some extra staging (risers for when we have big bands). This was kindly donated to the club by John Calleson and transported to Birkenhead by club member and helper Noel Jameson, who also cleaned and painted the staging.
This Tuesday 31st October 7-30pm - 9-30pm 'The Monday Night Big Band', directed by Callum Passells and the 'Tuesday Night Big Band', directed by Roger Manins.
Both big bands will feature a fantastic line-up of talented students from in and around the University of Auckland, They will be performing a variety of classics from Ellington to Basie, and some great new arrangements to bring a smile to your face! Come along and enjoy a great night of music!
Our first night at the Birkenhead RSA on 10 October was a great success, after a few last minute touches with the lighting and getting the sound set up our audience enjoyed an evening of great music from the Julie Mason Five. Julie who had recently returned from Paris included several of her new songs in the two sets, with the candle lit tables the atmosphere was a good match for any Paris music venue.
The Birkenhead RSA offers plenty more space for our members and we have to thank caterers Andrena and Fred for opening up the restaurant on a Tuesday, especially for the club's music nights. Here is a link to the restaurant:-
So come along early, enjoy a meal in the restaurant (you can also take it to your table upstairs), grab a drink at the bar, and sit back to enjoy some of the best Jazz and Blues live music around. Music runs from 7-30pm to 9-30pm.
Coming up this TUESDAY 17th October - The Desotos
(see EVENTS section for full details.)
Just a reminder that this Tuesday 10 October, the Auckland Jazz and Blues Club kicks off at our new 'home' at the Birkenhead R.S.A.
We have had many people saying how they are looking forward to coming to the new venue on the Northshore and manager Phil Agent and his staff have already made us feel very welcome. The piano was moved on Friday and safely positioned on the stage. Then on Saturday the arduous task of collecting all our equipment from the Point Chev RSA and loading it into a large van, and installing it at the other end, it took most of the day. !!
In true Hilary fashion we plan to plant a flag on the corner of Recreation Drive and Glenfield Road to let people know we have 'arrived' (this will go out on Tuesdays) but meantime we are relying on all members to let their North Shore friends know about this Tuesday's gig where we have The Julie Mason Five playing. The Julie Mason Five are delighted to be bringing you the inaugural concert at the new venue.
Julie Mason has been a regular artist and supportive member of the Club ever since its inception ( anyone remember the smoky, crowded and noisy Gables?).
Julie has recently returned from 3 months in France, where she was inspiredby concerts from some of the greatest living Jazz legends. She also got to play with some top Parisian musicians, and wrote some new tunes based on her experiences. A lighthearted book about her travels, “ The Blonde Chick Gets the Flick”, is one of her Staycation projects over the summer, along with recording a new album with her wonderful band:
JULIE MASON Piano/ vocals/ compositions
MIKE BOOTH Trumpet/ Flugelhorn
All five musicians are widely experienced International performers, and among the most respected Jazz musicians in New Zealand.
Dear Members,
Many of you will have heard by now that the RSA at Point Chev will be closing its doors next Sunday 8th October. This is very sad news for the RSA, our club, and other groups that have made good use of the RSA clubrooms and facilities. We are highly appreciative of the RSA allowing us to stage our concerts over the last 14 years. The Point Chev RSA with many others in the country have been struggling to get back on track since COVID and with great reluctance and sadness the decision to close was made at a special meeting on the 27th September.
The AJ&B Club had been aware that this might be a possibility and our President Mike Walker and others had spent time in the last year looking for a suitable place, another 'home' for the club. In total we looked at 16 possible venues, other RSA's and community halls. But very few had the requirements we need, which are, a large enough space to accommodate 100-150 people, a place that could offer food and a licensed bar, a stage, venue to be available every week on a Tuesday, room for our 'grand' grand piano, storage for sound gear, cables, lighting etc, provision of tables and chairs to continue our cabaret atmosphere, easy access and good parking. The only place that ticked all the boxes was the Birkenhead RSA. We know that this means a trip across the harbour bridge for many members and that has been taken into consideration when making the decision to move. We know we will lose some of our audience but hopefully we will gain some from the Shore.
If we had not made a decision on Birkenhead then it looked very likely that the AJ&B Club would have to end, at least for the time being and that would mean cancelling bands already booked and paying for storage for the piano and our equipment. The big move will happen this week after our last Point Chev music night this Tuesday. Please get in touch with us if you feel that this move will not work for you regarding the journey and we can come to an arrangement on part refund of membership.
Further to the notification below, we are pleased to confirm that as from Tuesday 10 October, our new venue for our concerts will be the Birkenhead RSA, Recreation Drive, Birkenhead. https://birkenheadrsa.com
This venue is suitable for approximately 120 people with bar and meal services available. Our final concert at the Point Chevalier Memorial RSA will be on 3 October. We will then arrange for our grand piano and the sound system to be moved.
We hope that you’ll be able to join us at this new venue, appreciating that the location may not be convenient for everyone. We are determined to continue offering top quality jazz and blues concerts. Your support is appreciated.
We feel very sad to be informed by the Point Chevalier Memorial RSA, that they will be closing their hospitality business. (see RSA publication below for the reasons behind this decision.)
This is very sad news for the RSA, our club, and other groups that have made good use of the RSA clubrooms and facilities. We are highly appreciative of the RSA allowing us to stage our concerts over the last 14 years.
Our FINAL concert will be held on Tuesday 3 October.
We are currently in negotiations with the Birkenhead RSA to relocate our club. We will provide updates on the future of our club once matters are finalised.
Lorraine has been presented with an Honorary Membership Award for her dedicated services as club secretary and committee member for over 20 years.
Lorraine was an active relief teacher until illness took over. She has been a great communicator to club members and musicians through her editing of the AJBC Newsletter and email updates. Lorraine has also been of help to club members and volunteers whenever illness affected them.
We are greatly sorry to acknowledge that Lorraine has been unable to continue in her role with the club owing to her illness, but we hope she will still be able to join us for our Tuesday evening concerts when she feels able to come along.
We wish you well Lorraine.
Thankyou to members who attended the AGM of the Auckland Jazz and Blues Club (Inc). Your support is appreciated.
Just a reminder that subscriptions are now due for the new financial year being 1/7/23 to 30/6/24. The $50 subscription can either be made in cash when attending a concert or paid by internet banking:-
ASB 12-3019-0009148-00
Please clearly identify your name if paying on-line. Membership allows entry at $10 per concert, instead of entry at $25 per concert for non-members.
Photo: - Robin Kewell, Mike Walker (president), Miriam Hilliard (treasurer), Anne Curran.
Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM)
King's Birthday Honours - June 2023
Congratulations Linn. Well deserved.
It is with regret that the Auckland Jazz and Blues Club will be CLOSED tonight owing to Cyclone Gabrielle.
Take care everyone and hope to see you next week.
Happy New Year to all you wonderful people, members and non-members alike. Without your support this club would not have been able to carry on with such good bands for your enjoyment, and may I say from the musicians, thank you for being able to perform to such an appreciative audience all these years.
We started at the RSA many years ago (15 I think) with a not so
suitable room, but with your support, turned that room into one of the best not only in Auckland but further afield. Good sound, lights, and parking most of the time. So now we're in the front room which has been turned into a rather good venue - just back to front and we now have Jonny in the kitchen.
After the dreaded lockdowns we kept going for as long as we did
however, like all businesses it has a big strain on our money as most Tuesdays were down on audience size, so after all that talk, to keep the club nights going we're going to have to raise the entrance fee for members and non-members. Wow, hope you’re sitting down, but it will be up by $5 to $10 for members and non-members up from $20 to $25. I keep getting people telling me that "you’re far too cheap for such good bands ". I'm sure that you will agree.
Mike Spike Walker
President - Auckland Jazz and Blues Club Inc.
Yesterday the AUCKLAND JAZZ & BLUES CLUB Committee held a Management Meeting to discuss balancing our books so that we can pay our bands a fair rate and reimburse our sound technician. We agreed to an increase in club charges from $5 to $10 for members and $20 to $25 for visitors.
Our committee also met with Dean Napier, Pt Chev RSA manager to discuss Health and Safety issues in the front lounge. It is agreed that every Tuesday our volunteers can set up the room with 86 seats at tables. The volunteers also have to remove most of the seats and tables at the end of the evening. This is a reduction in the seating that we managed in the back lounge. We encourage members and visitors to arrive early to ensure that you get a seat and we may have to institute a booking system.
Lorraine Ashby
Secretary / Editor Auckland Jazz & Blues Club
Mob: 0278184097
Email: lorraine.m.ashby@gmail.com
We have just received news on 28/1/23 that Mike Nisbet, life member of our club, has passed away. His funeral will be held on Thursday 2 February. A death notice will be published in the NZ Herald on Monday.
The AUCKLAND JAZZ AND BLUES CLUB reopens on Tuesday 24 January 2023.
Concerts will be held in the front lounge of the Pt. Chevalier RSA. The old stage is set up with our grand piano all ready to go next week.
We invite people to help our committee as it is with regret that we announce the resignation of two of our valued committee members. Munro Wilson regularly set up the room to a very high standard. Dave Wakenshaw was helpful with our banking and membership tasks. A sincere thankyou to both of them for their contribution to the effective running of our club.
There's a new chef at the Pt Chev RSA. There's a competition to name the new kitchen run by Jonny and you will be able to order your meals using "table talkers".
JAZZ CLUB / POINT CHEVALIER RSA - Big changes coming up as from start of 2023.
We re-open on Tuesday 24 January in the front lounge of the Point Chevalier RSA.
The first stage of the re-development process, will see the demolition of the back part of the RSA, to allow for the construction of a New World supermarket with new RSA clubrooms above the supermarket.
Many thanks to the Point Chevalier RSA for the use of their large back room over the last 14 years. It has been an excellent venue to stage our concerts with a dedicated stage, sound and lighting system.
See you all as from 24 January in the front lounge for more great music.
BRIAN EDGAR - RIP - 7-10-22
Tonight I’m sitting in my warm bed, sipping a whiskey and eating a Queen Anne chocolate having a quiet toast to my friend Brian Edgar who was farewelled at Pt Chev RSA this morning. Reflecting on the man who I willingly drove down to brave the Auckland traffic from my home in Te Arai near Mangawhai, I wouldn’t do it for many people nowadays. It was an easy decision to make the effort to farewell Brian.
The true gentleman who was Brian Edgar, musician/bass player, marine/auto electrician, family man, friend and member of so many clubs and associations, drew a full house today at the Pt Chev RSA. ( Grateful thanks to them and the President who gave a heart-warming speech thanking Brian for all he had done for the club.). On a very chilly morning people travelled from far and wide to say farewell to a man who touched so many lives.
Tom Sharplin, President of the Variety Artists Club summed it up when he said Brian was a rich man. Not in wealth but in friendship, respect and love that he had earned for himself. He then requested a standing ovation for a man who had certainly earned it with his stellar music career. A rousing ovation rendered!
Lorraine Ashby, Secretary of the Auckland Jazz and Blues Club, beautifully hosted the celebration of life for Brian who had been her friend for decades just as he was to the many people who were there to pay respects. One by one, members of each club stood to show support and give thanks to Brian for his unwavering and staunch membership to each one of them.
Living legend, maestro, Merv Thomas, MC for the Jazz and Blues Club, gave an enlightened and moving summation of Brian’s contribution to the music industry which was a fantastic testimony of all he had given back to the business known as show.
There were many. extremely emotional and loving tributes from family members, sons, brothers, grandsons and past loved ones all who were clearly heart-broken at the loss of a man who had such a profound and not always easy effect on their lives. Of course there had to be many references to Brian being a ladies-man….. that goes without saying. He appreciated the good things in life afterall.
Brian lay in a simple cardboard casket, filled with written messages, flowers gracing the top and an extremely beautiful silent double bass looking over him in his peaceful repose.
There was no music! I was quite surprised and I thought about it all day. Being an event organiser in the industry, music is one of my first considerations. No music for a musician? There must have been dozens there who would willingly have played. There surely was! However tonight it all became clear. For whatever reason - it might have been my JW whiskey and Queen Anne chocolate - on reflection it was different, respectful and lovely. The music was absent and the love and admiration for a life well spent totally took over. This service was all about Brian. No frills. Just as he was. He deserved it. He earned it.
Rest in love and peace Brian. You were a good man, you left the world a better place for your contribution to so many causes and that is the main thing. I’m proud to have known you.
Brian Edgar Tribute by Glenda Law (Variety Artists Club).