Auckland Jazz and Blues Club

Welcome to the home of jazz in Auckland

Birkenhead RSA, Recreation Drive, Birkenhead.

Please see EVENTS section for weekly concert details and GALLERY for weekly concert photos.

($10 members/$25 non-members - cash only - includes raffle draw for bottle of wine.)

Non-member contact registration required at time of entry.

Restaurant (downstairs) open 5 - 8.30pm. Full bar services.

The club was formed around 1992 to further the interests of jazz & blues music in Auckland.

The club has a membership of around 250 and has regular club nights every Tuesday evening at the Birkenhead RSA.

Concerts start at 7.30pm and finish at 9.30pm with a break at half time. Meals are available before the concert. Full bar service.

Ample off-street parking. Come early to secure your seating.

Each night features a different local or out of town band.. Sometimes an International star makes an appearance.


For an annual subscription of $50 per person, entry to each concert is $10 (cash only)

Non-members pay $25 (cash only)

Members receive a monthly jazz club newsletter, plus notice of other jazz events associated with the Auckland Jazz and Blues club.


We welcome new members - join in the fellowship of the love of jazz!

Membership Application Form:-

Either complete a Membership Application Form when visiting the club, or print and complete the application form from the link below and bring to the club.

Membership Application Form (printable)

Please pay the annual subscription of $50 by cash when visiting the club or pay by internet banking.

(New membership year commences as from 1 July.)

ASB 12-3019-0009148-00

Please state both your first and last names on your internet payment so you can be clearly identified.

Please pickup your membership card at the reception desk once your payment is received.


If you are an existing member, please pay your renewal subscription of $50 by cash when visiting the club, or pay by internet banking.

(New membership year commences as from 1 July and extends to 30 June the following year.)

ASB 12-3019-0009148-00

Please state both first and last names on your internet payment so you can be clearly identified.

Please pickup your membership card at the reception desk once your payment is received.